Wednesday, September 21, 2011

post bout glow!!! 10/25/11

The last post was in August n a lot has happened since then. I had become a full time Burn City Roller!!!! going to practice trying not to sit out on drills n even doing plyo.....yeah my lazy ass doing plyo. anywho i had the oppurtunity to sub for torpedo bay in mobile and it was......interesting? in practice i would scrimmage when I can if i wasnt worn the fuck out lol this was way different it was an actual game. i BOMBED the first half, i hardly go a hit in it was my worst performance EVER.  So with that fire in me of being pissed i finally started playing. My nerves were gone n i was ready. Yes we lost against MRV but it was gaining experience for future games.
Now for my first BCR game yes i was nervous but still excited amyn n the steering commitee allowed me to play. I was thankful even if they put me in for 3 plays. I wasnt where i needed to be but i survived it. I had a blast n it felt good to be playing with ppl that i knew n loved. A team that i have been practicing with for quite sometime. It was easy. I couldnt have asked for a better experience. Yes i still have much to learn but the high from that game was gonna last me for quite a while.
BCR makes me want to be a better player. We pretty much love this sport with every fiber in our being. I could not ask for a better team. I can not wait to see my ladies again. They are my family, my sisters. With the loss of a loved one i have gained a great group of women that truly care about me and i in turn care for them.